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What is a Brute Force Attack? Hackers lurking in the password



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Brute force attack is a type of hacker attack to obtain password. In this attack, the attacker tries as many possible combinations of a password as possible to arrive at the correct password.

The longer the password and the more complex the combination of characters, the longer the brute force attack takes and the harder the hacker’s job.

For this reason, it is always suggested to internet users, especially large organizations, to use complex passwords. Continue reading to see what types of brute force attacks are there and how to protect against them and examples of brute force attacks from the past years.

Key point of Brute force attack:

In this article we will cover:

What is a Brute Force Attack?

Brute force attack is a trial and error method for decrypting login information and unlocking encrypted keys, in other words, unauthorized access to systems.

Brute force attacks use brute force instead of rational strategies. Just as a criminal might succeed in cracking a safe by trying several possible combinations, in brute force attacks software programs attempt to try all possible combinations of allowed characters in a sequence.

Cybercriminals usually use brute force attacks to gain access to websites, accounts, and networks. In the process of this attack, there is a possibility of installing malware, shutting down web applications or infiltrating data.

Different types of Brute Force attacks

There are different types of brute force attacks, some of which are mentioned below:

Other types of brute force attacks may try common passwords such as “Password” “1234567” or other common numeric sequences or even sequences that match qwerty keyboard layouts before trying possible passwords.

Examples of brute force attacks in the past years

What are the best ways to protect against brute force attacks?

Organizations can strengthen their cybersecurity against brute force attacks by applying a combination of strategies. Some of these solutions are:

The best strategy for greater security against brute force attacks is to use all or a combination of the above strategies.

Increasing cyber security using brute force attack tools

Brute force attack tools are sometimes used to test network security. Some common brute force attack tools are:

Brute force attack in the world of cryptography

As mentioned, brute force attacks include the use of sophisticated software to guess possible passwords and find the correct password and finally break into a system.

Theoretically, this type of attack can be used to identify the password or key of encrypted data. The time required for a successful brute force attack is a measure of the strength of an encrypted system. Of course, a brute force attack on a system that has fully complied with security measures requires more computing resources.

The longer the password, the more time it takes to guess the password. For this reason, the bit sizes of encryption keys have increased over time from the initial standard of 56 bits to 128 and then 256 bits.

Of course, cracking a 256-bit encryption key requires a high level of computing power that can only be attacked by supercomputers.

Since the use of supercomputers requires fully controlled environmental conditions and high energy efficiency, it can be concluded that advanced brute force attacks are generally directed by government actors.

However, password cracking is possible using modern GPUs and dedicated hardware called ASIC (ASIC), which are available to almost everyone.

Some forms of encryption, including One-Time Pad Cryptography, are impenetrable. Access to systems that use this type of encryption is usually done by exploiting human error in the system instead of a brute force attack.

Frequently asked questions on brute force attack

What is a Brute Force Attack?

Brute force attack is one of the old methods of hackers to obtain passwords of systems and accounts. In this attack, they test as many possible passwords as possible to find the password.

What are the ways to counter a brute force attack?

The main and most important method is to use a long and complex password. The longer and more complex the password, the more computing resources and time it takes to find it.

Brute force attack is one of the old methods of cybercriminals to obtain passwords of systems, accounts and networks. The attacker tries so many possible password combinations until he finally succeeds in identifying the correct password.

For this reason, the first suggested solution to protect against brute force attacks is to use complex and long passwords. Of course, it is better to use a combination of strategies such as limiting unsuccessful logins, hashing, implementing captcha and two-factor authentication to create more cyber security.

Additionally, organizations can test network security using common brute force attack tools such as Aircrack-ng, Hashcat, L0phtCrack, and John the Ripper.

What are your recommended strategies to deal with brute force attacks? Share your thoughts with us.

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